Become an Alaska Notary Public

Alaska Notary Commission Overview
The step-by-step process for becoming a notary public in the state of Alaska is detailed below. Once you are ready to shop for supplies, simply visit our store. As a national provider of notary supplies, notary bonds, insurance, and training, has pretty much everything you need to become an Alaska notary public.
Are You in the Wrong Place?
Importance of Alaska Notary Training
You do not want to take the office of Notary Public lightly. The Alaska Online Notary Course is the fastest, easiest and most affordable way for you to learn what to do and how to protect yourself as a notary. Whether you are a new or current notary public, you should spend some time learning the laws.
How to Become a Notary Public in Alaska
Step-by-Step InstructionsHow to Become an Alaska Notary
1. Purchase your Alaska notary bond or obtain an employer approval form. The employer approval form replaces the notary bond requirement, if you are applying for a Limited Governmental Commission. Your notary bond is the first form required for the notary application process.
2. Create a myAlaska account to complete the Alaska Notary Public Application online.
3. Submit your notary application and bond. Once you do so, you will receive an automated email with an oath of office PDF file.
4. Print out the Oath of Office, have the oath administered to you by a notary, and get it notarized.
5. Return to the email from the Notary Database that contained the oath. Click the link in the email to return to the Notary Database and upload your signed and notarized oath of office.
6. Pay the $40.00 application using the link included in the automated email. The fee is waived for State of Alaska employees applying for limited governmental notary commissions.
Congratulations! You are now an Alaska notary public!
What is a Limited Government Notary Commission?
Limited Governmental Notary commissions are only available to Federal, State and Municipal employees. Notarial activity under a Limited Governmental Notary commission is limited to the official business of your employer. Applications for Limited Governmental commissions must include a Notary Commission Application form and Employer Approval form.
Limited Governmental commissions are open ended and are active as long as the Notary remains employed by the governmental entity they were working for when they obtained the commission. Limited Governmental notaries will indicate that their notary commission expires “with office” on the completed notarial certificates.
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